Digital X-Ray Pioneer
SigmaDigital X-Ray is your top choice when it comes to efficient digital x-ray machines. As an experienced business in the field, we are focused on developing technologically advanced products at the best possible value as well as providing unmatched customer service and support.
Our Machines
About Our Management
Kim Antol is the president of SigmaDigital X-Ray. Having more than 33 years of experience in managing the business, he has displayed exceptional leadership capabilities to the team’s top-quality products and services.
Our History
We began as Sigma Biomedics in 1988 in northwest suburban Chicago and was originally established to supply premium x-ray chemistry as a private label for Siemens Medical Systems Dental Div, among other popular brands at that time.
Moving ahead into digital x-ray, in 1997 Sigma introduced the 1st panoramic digital x-ray in the US for dentistry and hospital emergency medical applications. Since then, we’ve added intraoral Sensors, Medical imaging CR scanners, DR imaging plates, x-ray machines, and the national distributor for Clarius, (best in class) handheld wireless ultrasound.
How It All Started
In the early 1990s, x-ray digital imaging was first introduced in the dental industry in Europe. Even though its early acceptance was limited and moved very slowly, the arrival threatened the long-term viability of conventional film and chemistry. Therefore, it was decided to direct all efforts to migrate into digital imaging.
In 1997, Sigma Digital X-Ray introduced the first digital panoramic x-ray called DXIS into the US market. Additional products were added including intraoral video cameras and CR Phosphor technology. As one of the original digital imaging x-ray pioneers, Sigma has served the dental, medical, and veterinary community nationwide for over 30 years, with an A+ Better Business rating, (without a single complaint) having never reorganized, merged, or closed.
The intraoral Bio-Ray digital x-ray imaging system and intraoral x-ray machines were introduced in 2003 and 2004. The FDA-approved 2nd generation Bio-Ray SDX intraoral x-ray sensor was introduced in 2006.This technology brought major improvements in image quality and stability with the introduction and use of fiber optic plates and needle scintillator technology, giving it the highest image quality and resolution achievable at that time at a moderate price.
As technology advanced, additional products and technology were added through the years as we expanded from human and Veterinary Dental into the medical small office market.

Our Commitment to You
With a nationwide network of technicians, we strive to make sure that you, as our customer, are comfortable in discussing what your expectations are prior to developing a solution for your needs. We are your trusted partner from initial system configuration and creative financing to final installation and in-service applications. We also commit ourselves to fair and reasonable pricing.
Over the years, we pride ourselves on the growth that we have achieved. We have always had provide-high quality products and we continue to find more ways to improve as technology continues to evolve. We strive to become innovators and leaders in the field.
Ask Our Experts About Your Imaging Needs
Reach out to our team today if you have questions and concerns about our digital x-ray machines. We look forward to serving you!