O-Scan Smart_Etichette_0224
O scanSMART_front

Extremity MRI system for upper and lower limbs

A dedicated extremity MRI in a small package

Gotham Footcare#1


Low power consumption, helium-free MRI system


Powerful system


59.7 DB



Lightweight: the In-Office MRI solution


O-Scan & Table
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Extremity MRI system for upper and lower limbs

O-scan SMART offers a comfortable, smart and non-claustrophobic environment tailored for clinical examinations of lower extremities and limbs. Its distinctive efficiency and cost-effectiveness design perfect fits for standalone specialty clinics or integration within radiology departments alongside other units. It serves as a valuable asset for radiologists, orthopedists, sports medicine clinics, hand clinics, podiatrists, and rheumatologists.

Prioritize Patient Comfort

A smarter way to care for patients

The system offers consistent image quality and a wide range of clinical applications when combined with advanced software. Additionally, it prioritizes patient comfort through its non-claustrophobic design and comfortable patient seat. O-scan SMART offers advanced scan techniques to reduce scan time, achieve a further reduction time in 3D, reduce metal artifacts and perform real-time motion imaging of joints. From an economic standpoint, it boasts cost-effective consumption, easy and compact installation, and low running costs.


O-scan, Hassle-Free MRI

Ease of Use

The O-scan is easy to use and learn as it uses Windows®
functionalities. The interface and protocols are custom
designed for extremity MRI which considerably speeds up
and simplifies the examination procedure.


O-scan comes with network storage and documentation
features to work as part of an integrated environment offering
smart solutions for connectivity and tele-radiology.
O-scan comprises features like “Patient CD” and an integrated
DVD based archiving function for stand-alone operation.

Remote Assistance

All Esaote MRI systems have remote service capability.
Remote connection gives Esaote service and application
specialists the possibility to perform system checks, verify
image quality and help the local operator set optimal exam
parameters. Remote Service shortens reactions times and
improves the efficiency of the service visits.


Fits almost everywhere
The O-scan does more in less space. The innovative design and unique structure minimizes the total space required for  installation. Thanks to its low weight and extremely small 5 gauss footprint, the O-scan can be installed in virtually any office or practice with ease, accommodating the needs of both small diagnostic practices and large radiology departments.

Designed for comfort

All Esaote MRI systems have patient comfort at heart and the O-scan is no exception. Its optimal ergonomics not only eliminates claustrophobic reactions, it also gives maximum comfort and stability also for larger patients.

Patient positioning is simple, easy and fast with O-scan, thanks also to the real-time positioning device.

The real-time feature allows you to start the scout scan and check patient positioning directly from the gantry.


The lowest break-even in industry.

Easy installation, ease of use, low maintenance technology, low energy consumption, no cryogens, remote service possibility make O-scan a very smart investment even for sites with a low workload.


Ankle-Foot coil DPA O-scan

Hand-Wrist coil DPA O-scan

Knee coil DPA O-scan